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About Us
Hi there! We're Kristin and John. We're glad you've stopped by Ruby's Winding Road. We are empty nesters who call Missouri home. Years ago, we started RVing using a truck towing a fifth-wheel trailer. We took short family vacation trips here and there, as that's all the time our work/family lives would allow. We enjoyed our trips, but dreamed of the time in our lives when we would be able to come and go without pesky deadlines. Now that our youngest kiddo is finished with college, the day-to-day parenting work is done. And, after decades of the daily grind, we're exploring a new phase of life. We're writing about our experiences in the hopes that they might be informative for others interested in RVing. Maybe our journey simply turns out to be an entertaining story for you to follow. Either way, thanks for checking out our site and please come back to visit Ruby's Winding Road soon. Subscribe below so you don't miss our blog posts.