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Content published on this site such as the Ruby's Winding Road logo, downloads, original text, and our images containing the Ruby's Winding Road logo are the property of Ruby's Winding Road. All content is protected by copyright. Using this site does not grant you permission to use the content for commercial purposes. You may link to our site, but may not copy any content for any other website or publication without written approval from Ruby's Winding Road. By visiting rubyswindingroad.com you agree to these Terms. If you have questions, please contact us at rubyswindingroad@gmail.com.
We enjoy sharing our travel experiences with you through the Ruby's Winding Road website and blog. All information presented is that of our own experiences and opinions. The information is provided with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. Readers are encouraged to do their own research. We are not liable for loss or damage arising from out-of-date information in connection with the use of this website.